
Motivation in a Bottle

I wonder what it would be like to buy a bottle of ‘motivation’ from the grocery store, pour the contents into a glass and sip it like iced tea? Or better still, every time we need to motivate ourselves, we serve it like medicine, take a spoonful and feel the magic begin to work instantly….


Motivation To Lose Weight Quotes

One of the most fantastic ways to provide motivation is to surround yourself with words of pure motivation that you can read whenever you need a boost. Motivation to lose weight can be found in little statements that give you continued reasons to keep going. And there are hundreds of them. Typing into a search…


Hypnosis To Lose Weight – Week One

I turned to hypnosis because I don’t want to ban foods; I don’t want anything to be off limits as I will only crave and eventually give in to them. I want to reduce portion sizes and say ‘NO’ to snacking when I am not hungry, and hopefully, in time and with the help of hypnosis,…


Day 2-4 of Hypnosis and Weight Loss

I turned to hypnosis because I don’t want to ban foods; I don’t want anything to be off limits as I will only crave and eventually give in to them. I want to reduce portion sizes and say ‘NO’ to snacking when I am not hungry, and hopefully, in time and with the help of hypnosis,…


Hypnosis – Day One of my Journey

I turned to hypnosis because I don’t want to ban foods; I don’t want anything to be off limits as I will only crave and eventually give in to them. I want to reduce portion sizes and say ‘NO’ to snacking when I am not hungry, and hopefully, in time and with the help of hypnosis,…


Hypnosis and Weight Loss

I turned to hypnosis because I don’t want to ban foods;I don’t want anything to be off limits as I will only crave and eventually give in to them.I want to reduce portion sizes and say ‘NO’ to snacking when I am not hungry, and hopefully, in time andwith the help of hypnosis, make more healthier…